this page is meant to be an insight into my life and thoughts, both of which mainly revolved around pathetic thoughts good food and beautiful women

September 04, 2006

back to school, back to school, got to prove to dad i'm not a fool...

After several drafts( 5, to be exact), I find myself not really caring what ends up on my first blog ever. suffice it to say that I'm dissatisfied with mega corporations, and inflation. I also find it necessary at this time to say that I will never support our current president, George Bush Sr. Yep you read right, why do you think that we are even in Iraq? WMD's? try again Daddy couldn't get re-ellected if his war was still going on so he is having JR. finish his wet work.

But back into the happeneings in my day to day life, I'm really happy this weekend I decided to actually talk with this girl that i like from my english class, she's really smart and she's absolutely gorgeous to boot! i'm really hyped cause today I picked out my outfit for class( if my looks don't get her(( i'm not attactive)) then maybe she'll notice i know how to dress myself and like my for being pretty smart), only time will tell. well that and this blog. i'll keep everyone posted on the goings on in my life and my next posting will include more personal facts and stuff like that so you can "get to know me" although you will probably never know me.

-Adios, it's been a real pleasure typing with you. Colin


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